Nacho Carretero Molero here. Freelance multidisciplinary designer, photographer and art lover from Madrid, currently living in Barcelona.
I have over 10 years of experience in design, from digital products to interiors, including concept design, editorial, service, UX and UI. I started out in the ad business at DDB Madrid, then moved towards product design at Designit and then at Accenture Song (previously Fjord and Accenture Interactive).
As an interior designer I’ve worked mostly in private residential projects as a freelance, but also doing collaborations with brands like ELISAVA, where I did my masters in 2020. You can check out some my work in the Design section. Since 2021 I’m also a teacher at IED Barcelona focused on design and project communication.
Last but not least, I write about design and art frequently on Twitter as well as collaborating with design publications such as Distrito Oficina or Think by Shifta.
Don’t be shy and say hi!
Press and features
🎓 SHIFTA Escuela Digital: "Qué tener en cuenta a la hora de crear un portfolio online de interiorismo”
📸 Revista AD: Fondos de pantalla muy AD para vestir tu teléfono
🛋️ Diario Design: Elisava Research actualiza la sede de TOUS en Manresa
🛋 Arquitectura & Diseño: Una casa a todo color en el Raval barcelonés
📸 Featured by Apple in their #ShotOniPhone wallpaper selection.
📸 Featured by Herdes Magazine in The Barcelona Issue - Vol. XI
🎓 IED: Folio Review 2022 projects the creative force of emerging design talent
🛋 Arquitectura & Diseño: Un minipiso en Madrid con decoración con interiores decorados con mucho color
📸 “iLook” photo exhibition @ VisualKorner (Barcelona)
📸 Featured by Apple in the collection “Skylines” for the #ShotOniPhone campaign
📸 Featured by Apple for the #ShotOniPhone campaign
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